Thursday, October 09, 2008


Who will I choose as my best presenter? Of course that, TJ Walker. This is because his duration time presentation is not too long and not too short. During his presentation , he make an eye contact will all audience in front of him . He speech very well and look very confident. He didn't looked at note anymore. This is because I know that he prepare before this. He pose his body while he gives a speech. He do a variety tone during his speech. So, audience didn't feel very bored. He also make some slides that he show to all audience. His slides very wonderful and cheerful. He put more input in his slides that gives more knowledged to audience. The attention-getter that he do is he put also some wonderful pictures in his slides. Therefore, audience feel interested to watch his slides.

Who will I choose as my worst presenter? Of course that, Microsoft Dude. Why? He take too short time to present. Then, during presentation, he only bow his head on the table in front of him because he buzy reading his note. His voice also very slow. Then, audience can't hear what he present very clearly.So, he didn't make any eye contact with all audience. He looks very scared and didn't make some smile with audience. This is because he not prepare very well. He only stand but not do some pose body during his presentation. No attention -getter that he do. This is because he didn't make a slides. Therefore, audience fell very bored and sleepy with his presentation. That's all....

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