Sunday, August 10, 2008


He is The Legend Of Malaysia. Do you know about him??? Tan Sri P.Ramlee is the very unique person that I have seen. He has an excellent attitude that we should allowed in our life. He is the very kind man, not very hot-tempered and also very talkative with other people. He is one of the people that need all what he do is the best. For the example, if he get something that good, he will do that more excellent. Tan Sri P.Ramlee is the person that very creative in doing something especially in his film.

`An Ordinary Person That Extra Ordinary`. That is the other one of the excellent attitude from him. That's means, eventhough he is the person that same like ours but... the different about him is he always do an extra work, extra things thats not other people do. This is because he want to be the extra ordinary actor and director. He can be The Legend Of Malaysia now because he has many personal secrets in his act for all his film that not other people can copy. Futhermore, he also the person that likes studying, asking, take care all things about film because he has high spirit in his heart to know more about film and want to be clever person in film industry. Lastly, the reason that very impressive about him is the person that very respect and practicable about opinion eventhough advised from his actress an his workers.

As a conclusion, Tan Sri P.Ramlee is actually the great person in this world. We should allow all his excellent behaviour and practic thats in our life students. Therefore, we also can be an extra ordinary students and be the icon for others students especially in UMP. Tan Sri P.Ramlee. APPRICIATE HIM!!

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